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01) Is your organisation a legally registered entity?

June 1, 2020
Procurement Risk
Registered Entity

Answer yes if your organisation is a legally registered entity and upload proof of registration (as a PDF file, this is typically a certificate of incorporation) as evidence. Please note the country or jurisdiction in which your company is registered in the notes.

In order to legally engage in business activities, charitable work, or other engagements, businesses have to be formed, legally registered, and administered in line with the corporate law within the jurisdictions that they operate.

It is important that a business or charity is registered correctly and legally as not doing so would invalidate a number of key risk management controls such as insurance and contractual measures.

Typically, as evidence of registration, the registration body will issue you with a certificate (in the UK this is called a certificate of incorporation) or company registration number which can be used to identify the legal entity and prove it's registration.

How to implement the control

The process to register a company varies country by country, and sometimes state by state. You should consult your local registration body or a lawyer familiar with your local law to find out how to register.

Within the UK, the registration body is Companies House.

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